Thursday, September 23, 2010


What's on now ?

Everyone has expertly and tirelessly produced the amazing range which includes skirts, pants and shirts. We still continue to struggle our way through the more administrative side - costing, timetabling, pricing but on the upside our marketing materials are looking excellent. Everyone is noticably tired but we hope things will pick up with a fun day tomorrow doing the photoshoot & a well deserved reward at the fashion parade.

This week we're preparing for our second photoshoot of the Junuy Jiiri (Little River) range. All of the girls from MiiMi have kindly offered to model for us for the shoot so we're planning a lovely day in Bowraville, tomorrow (Friday). Marcia suggested that it would be a great idea to combine the shoot with some promo. for Bowraville so off we go... a sneak preview coming soon

With only a few weeks left the Fashion parade is forming up nicely. Will be held on 3 October, 2010 @ the Mad Hatters Cafe in Bowraville.

Deb Hatley has received an award for her involvement via North Coast Institute as a teacher for our group. We know of course that Deb is much much more than a teacher - a mentor, a friend and a comedian - where would we be without her, Congratulations Deb on your much deserved award. Looking forward to the award ceremony tonight !

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Social Studios Melbourne

Great day today meeting with Grace from The Social Studio in Collingwood, Melbourne. Learned a lot from Grace's extensive experience in the business start up. The Social Studio has a really impressive mix of partnerships and patrons, great fashion & really innovative approach to helping out the refugee community.

Also fantastic lunch in the cafe, well worth a visit one and all 128 Smith Street, Collingwood VIC. Will put pics up asap - probs. with Internet connection... Looking forward to Creative Innovation tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Coming together

MiiMi is delighted to have received some support through the Better Factory project to maintain the shop lease for another 12 months. This means that retail will also become a component of the mix and our shop in High Street will be selling from the end of October. (ironically 12 months later than our initial intention - BEFORE we realised that retail AND making the fashion business work were together an impossible combination at the start).

And there are more ongoing complications, for the 'mothership' organisation MiiMi Aboriginal Corporation to reach recognition as a Public Benevolent Institution the MiiMi Creations entity must step out on its own - MiiMi has been very grateful for the support of Price Waterhouse Coopers through this transition... more on that will no doubt follow very soon

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


MiiMi Creations is delighted to work with Bowraville Based Mad Hatter's Cafe to launch the Junuy Jiiri range on 3 October from 12pm. The day will feature a sneak preview of the Junuy Jiiri summer range and also performances by local musicians.

The Mad Hatters Cafe will offer 'taste plates' on the day. For any further details please contact MiiMi House on 65648855 or e-mail

Junuy Jiiri range takes shape

Aunty Ruth pins the new top on Kerry who dodges pins and is utterly delighted to model from the range HINT HINT everyone else - we need you all for the upcoming fashion shoot for Junuy Jiiri